Nitrous Oxide: 4 Things To Know About This Type Of Dental Sedation

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Are you getting a dental procedure done that will require a form of dental sedation? You may be wondering about using laughing gas so that you have realistic expectations. Here are a few things you should know about nitrous oxide before you use it for the first time. 

What Is Nitrous Oxide?

Nitrous oxide is also known as laughing gas. It is administered by putting on a mask that goes over your nose, and you simply breathe the gas in during the dental procedure. You'll still be awake during the dental procedure, but you will be relaxed the entire time. Some patients feel like they are floating or tipsy, which makes things funny to the patient. That's why it is referred to as laughing gas by dentists and patients. 

What Issues Can Nitrous Oxide Help With?

If you tend to have a gag reflex when you have dental work done, know that nitrous oxide can help relieve that side effect of having someone work in your mouth. Nitrous oxide is also going to reduce your anxiety if you are nervous about going to the dentist and tend to back out of going to your appointments. Nitrous oxide can even help you get through a long dental procedure since you will feel very relaxed. 

How Do You Get To Use Nitrous Oxide? 

If you have an issue that you feel can be fixed by using nitrous oxide, feel free to ask your dentist about using this form of dental sedation. Some dentists are going to offer it to you for any type of procedure, while others will wait for the patient to request it. Don't feel like it's not an option just because it was not offered. 

What Is It Like To Use Nitrous Oxide?

The dentist will put a mask over your nose that is secured in place with straps, and some dentists even have scented nose pieces to make it more enjoyable. They'll slowly start to administer the nitrous oxide, and you'll feel warm and a bit tingly in your hands and feet. You won't fall asleep, but you'll just be less concerned about the procedure that is happening to you.

When the dentist is finished, pure oxygen is sent through the mask to clear your system of any nitrous oxide. You'll breathe that oxygen in for a few minutes, and then you'll be dismissed by the dentist. You are able to drive your car afterward as well since nitrous oxide has no side effects associated with it once the gas is no longer administered.

For more information about nitrous oxide, talk to a dental clinic in your area such as Maple Springs Dental.
