Those Recovering from Methamphetamine Addiction Should Get Dental Implants

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Methamphetamine is a dangerous stimulant that triggers many health problems in those who abuse it. Unfortunately, those who are trying to recover from a bad addiction to this drug may find that their dental problems make it hard to find a job. Thankfully, dental implants can help.

Methamphetamine Use Causes Dental Decay

Though a single use of methamphetamine may not cause tooth decay, sustained and addictive abuse may trigger a multitude of dental problems. These issues are widespread in those who abuse the drug: one survey found that 96 percent of surveyed meth users had cavities, while nearly 60 percent had untreated tooth decay and a full third were missing six or more teeth.

Thankfully, a person who quits this substance can turn their life around and reverse this problem with proper dental care. However, this situation may be complicated if a person either doesn't have a job or is looking for one but can't find it because of their dental appearance.

Lost Teeth May Impact a Successful Recovery

Though looks shouldn't matter when applying for jobs, people usually judge someone based on how they look. This judgment can be as simple as disliking a candidate because they wore casual clothes to an interview. However, harsh judgment is likely to be placed on anybody who shows up with obvious meth-related dental damage.

Unfortunately, this can cause even the most educated and qualified candidates to lose a position or struggle to find one in the first place. Therefore, individuals in this situation must do something to improve their dental appearance, such as getting implants.

How Dental Implants Help

Any person recovering from meth addiction who has lost several teeth should seriously consider getting dental implants. These implants help to improve their appearance almost immediately, help to cut down further dental decay, and prevent damage to the jaw bone or issues with the overall structure of a person's face.

As a result, those who are searching for a job won't have the sagging appearance common in those who regularly abuse methamphetamine. They can then be rated based on their work experience and their abilities to complete a job. And in many cases, this should be enough to get them work.

So if you or someone you love is recovering from methamphetamine addiction and needs to improve their facial appearance, make sure that you contact a dentist to learn more about the power of dental implants. This step could change someone's life for the better.
