Taking Care Of Your Teeth During Pregnancy

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If you are pregnant, you may have wondered if there are any stipulations you need to know about regarding the care of your teeth. During pregnancy it is more important than ever to take care of your teeth as changing hormones can cause them to have problems. Here is some information about how to proceed with dental care during pregnancy.

Routine Maintenance

When you are pregnant, it is easier to contract gum disease due to hormone fluctuations within the body. This causes tartar buildup and plaque to occur more easily, making the gums a prime target for gingivitis. The increase in hormones during early pregnancy will also cause your gums to bleed after normal brushing and flossing. This is normal, so do not be concerned. It will ease up as your pregnancy progresses.

Continue to brush and floss your teeth two times a day, as recommended. It is very important to keep your regular six month visits when pregnant. Your dentist will be able let you know if gingivitis is a problem and will give you methods to combat it before it intensifies. Let your dentist know about your pregnancy so they can postpone X-rays until after you deliver.

Morning Sickness

Unfortunately, many women will suffer from morning sickness when pregnant. While this is a temporary condition, it can cause havoc to your teeth. The acids in your stomach will cover your teeth with bacteria when you vomit, making it imperative that you brush your teeth afterwards.

Many women have problems with toothpaste making them feel queasy. Rather than use a minty toothpaste, try cinnamon or baking soda flavors. If toothpaste makes you vomit, at least brush your teeth with a wet toothbrush and rinse your mouth with water. Some women will find that mouthwash is more bearable during morning sickness, so keep this around to help combat bacteria, as well.

Other Procedures

When you are pregnant, the only procedure you should have done with your teeth is a teeth cleaning. If you are in need of dental work, it will need to be scheduled for after the birth of your baby. General anesthesia and pain medication can cause harm to your baby, so emergency procedures are also discouraged unless they are life-threatening. Call your dentist if you lose a tooth to see what route they suggest. In many cases you will need to wait until after your baby is born to be able to fix dental problems.
